Travis W. Harless
Robert G. Harless
Cyrus Bricker
Child of Cyrus Bricker and Clara Walker
Clara Walker
Child of Clara Walker and Cyrus Bricker
Nettie Pearl Kissell
Child of Nettie Pearl Kissell and Ed Wilson
James W. Street
Child of James W. Street and Margaret Spicer
Margaret Spicer
Child of Margaret Spicer and James W. Street
Blaine Wilkerson
Blaine Wilkerson married Deborah Lynn Harless, daughter of Rev. Cleo Lynn Harless and Lucy Marilyn Hill.
Child of Blaine Wilkerson and Deborah Lynn Harless
John Wilkerson
John Wilkerson is the son of Blaine Wilkerson and Deborah Lynn Harless. John Wilkerson married Melanie (?).